sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

You know what they say,"Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk." :)

Keleny's Weekly Schedule

Bapism of Boy

Buying homemade beaded necklaces

At Incan ruins with a family

At Incan ruins with Suzie

Kel at Incan Ruins

Being crazy at Incan ruins

Fun Times in Ecuador

Kel with friends
Suzie at Incan ruins
Suzie kissing rock face -- see it?

Zipliners all ready!

Ziplining the jungle

Ziplining forward
Kel Ziplining
Kel's hairdo by children


Kel's piano students

Piano students
Today I worked at the handicapped childrens' home. Whenit was time for bed, there was a little 11 year old boy who is able to communicate and understand many things. Well, he came into another child’s bedroom as I was saying goodnight to them and started twisting one of the poles on the crib and it went “Squeaky squeaky squeaky.” He looked at me and laughed. I just love seeing what makes that boy laugh. He is so hilarious. He absolutely loves it when I kill flies with the fly swatter and then loves to look at the dead fly on the swatter and just laugh. Haha He also loves it when I sing “Los pollitos dicen Pio Pio Pio" in Spanish.
Another classic memory with that little boy is one time when I was getting ready to brush all the kids teeth at night. I was filling up a cup of water and then accidentally spilled the whole cup over! Of course, I was a tiny bit bummed or frustrated, but then I heard a giggling from behind me. I turned around and that little boy was sitting on the floor giggling at the spilt water. Then he scooted across the floor and called out to the worker, "Mama, mira! Agua!" (Mommy, look! Water!) And that just made me laugh so hard. He was so excited that I spilt that water. So then I got down on my hands and knees and was cleaning it up, and pretty soon he was behind me once again giggling... then he started bouncing up and down saying "Piche!" (Bathroom) Then I started laughing really hard. Classic. That little boy has sure taught me how to, as the saying goes, "Not cry over spilt milk."... but rather to laugh about it :) "Don't worry- be happy." 

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