sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

"Te Quiero Keleny..." :)

Boy that likes spiderman

Loving Kel's hand

with chocolate shakes

roasted pig for sale

Easter eggs at OSSO
This week has been wonderful. As Ecuador normally sells brown eggs, I went to the store and bought some white eggs and my two new volunteer friends and I decorated them the day before Easter J
                Yesterday was awesome. I worked with the little kids and planned some games: paper airplane contests, playing with glitter on paper, and we even painted nails! It was so fun. The little girl insisted on painting mine glittery, and accidentally got some on my face. When the worker saw, she started laughing, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. The good thing about paint and skin… It always comes off!
                When we were walking to the car after that shift, we saw this lady selling a huge cooked pig right there at the side of the road! We asked if we could take pictures of it and gave her a tip for letting us do so. They have these huge pigs out to sell a lot and they seem to be pretty popular to eat. I also eat rice and soup every day for lunch, and also either juice or another drink called Colada. This is kind of like chocolate milk but instead of chocolate, its cocnut or banana or another fruit.
                Last week my friends and I went out to a fancy restaurant at night and I ordered a hamburger for the first time in two months! It was awesome. The restaurant was a good price, and was so fancy that even the waitress came over and helped me take off my coat.
                Today I went to the orphanage with 50 kids. I absolutely love going there. As we piled out of the van, this little girl ran up to me and gave me a big huge hug. I just love how happy they are to see us. We first did laundry and picked up trash, and then we went down with about 15 kids and played soccer, volunteers verses kids. Those little boys are so good! And very competitive. Playing soccer is my favorite. Then it started pouring so we went inside and two girls taught us how to do a dance.
                It was getting close to the time to leave, and I had been talking to a twelve year old girl asking if she likes to draw. She said yes, picked up a notepad, and began writing something in big block letters. A few minutes later, she handed me the paper with a big smile on her face. The paper said, “Te quiero Keleny” or… “I love you Keleny.” Talking with people, asking them about themselves, and smiling at them really does make a huge difference.

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