sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

"Te Quiero Keleny..." :)

Boy that likes spiderman

Loving Kel's hand

with chocolate shakes

roasted pig for sale

Easter eggs at OSSO
This week has been wonderful. As Ecuador normally sells brown eggs, I went to the store and bought some white eggs and my two new volunteer friends and I decorated them the day before Easter J
                Yesterday was awesome. I worked with the little kids and planned some games: paper airplane contests, playing with glitter on paper, and we even painted nails! It was so fun. The little girl insisted on painting mine glittery, and accidentally got some on my face. When the worker saw, she started laughing, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. The good thing about paint and skin… It always comes off!
                When we were walking to the car after that shift, we saw this lady selling a huge cooked pig right there at the side of the road! We asked if we could take pictures of it and gave her a tip for letting us do so. They have these huge pigs out to sell a lot and they seem to be pretty popular to eat. I also eat rice and soup every day for lunch, and also either juice or another drink called Colada. This is kind of like chocolate milk but instead of chocolate, its cocnut or banana or another fruit.
                Last week my friends and I went out to a fancy restaurant at night and I ordered a hamburger for the first time in two months! It was awesome. The restaurant was a good price, and was so fancy that even the waitress came over and helped me take off my coat.
                Today I went to the orphanage with 50 kids. I absolutely love going there. As we piled out of the van, this little girl ran up to me and gave me a big huge hug. I just love how happy they are to see us. We first did laundry and picked up trash, and then we went down with about 15 kids and played soccer, volunteers verses kids. Those little boys are so good! And very competitive. Playing soccer is my favorite. Then it started pouring so we went inside and two girls taught us how to do a dance.
                It was getting close to the time to leave, and I had been talking to a twelve year old girl asking if she likes to draw. She said yes, picked up a notepad, and began writing something in big block letters. A few minutes later, she handed me the paper with a big smile on her face. The paper said, “Te quiero Keleny” or… “I love you Keleny.” Talking with people, asking them about themselves, and smiling at them really does make a huge difference.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

You know what they say,"Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk." :)

Keleny's Weekly Schedule

Bapism of Boy

Buying homemade beaded necklaces

At Incan ruins with a family

At Incan ruins with Suzie

Kel at Incan Ruins

Being crazy at Incan ruins

Fun Times in Ecuador

Kel with friends
Suzie at Incan ruins
Suzie kissing rock face -- see it?

Zipliners all ready!

Ziplining the jungle

Ziplining forward
Kel Ziplining
Kel's hairdo by children


Kel's piano students

Piano students
Today I worked at the handicapped childrens' home. Whenit was time for bed, there was a little 11 year old boy who is able to communicate and understand many things. Well, he came into another child’s bedroom as I was saying goodnight to them and started twisting one of the poles on the crib and it went “Squeaky squeaky squeaky.” He looked at me and laughed. I just love seeing what makes that boy laugh. He is so hilarious. He absolutely loves it when I kill flies with the fly swatter and then loves to look at the dead fly on the swatter and just laugh. Haha He also loves it when I sing “Los pollitos dicen Pio Pio Pio" in Spanish.
Another classic memory with that little boy is one time when I was getting ready to brush all the kids teeth at night. I was filling up a cup of water and then accidentally spilled the whole cup over! Of course, I was a tiny bit bummed or frustrated, but then I heard a giggling from behind me. I turned around and that little boy was sitting on the floor giggling at the spilt water. Then he scooted across the floor and called out to the worker, "Mama, mira! Agua!" (Mommy, look! Water!) And that just made me laugh so hard. He was so excited that I spilt that water. So then I got down on my hands and knees and was cleaning it up, and pretty soon he was behind me once again giggling... then he started bouncing up and down saying "Piche!" (Bathroom) Then I started laughing really hard. Classic. That little boy has sure taught me how to, as the saying goes, "Not cry over spilt milk."... but rather to laugh about it :) "Don't worry- be happy." 

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

It's the Little Things that count

Today I went to Esperanza and Milagros. I’ve been able to talk quite a bit in Spanish with the workers which is great, but I still have a lot to practice and learn. The best things that happened at shift today were that I figured out how to make one of the handicapped girls smile. She is seems to always have a sad look on her face. I have noticed that when I touch her or get close to her, she hits me or pushes me away. But today when she hit me I just jumped back and laughed like “Woooah!” And she got the biggest smile on her face. I did that over and over again and she was smiling so big :) The only other time I made her smile was when I Took her running. It was so awesome!
Another great part of the day concerns a boy who is also from the hadicapped orphanage. His is severly autistic. Most of the time he is off in his own world, and often gets so scared or shy or mad that he hits. Sometimes he wants to communicate and be around people, and sometimes he doesn’t. Well, I recently noticed that he loves to receive little things and hold them up to his mouth to play with them. So I have been giving him little things throughout the past week to play with like a little piece of yarn.
Today he was sitting down alone on the couch in his own little world. I went over and plopped about two feet away from him on the couch and just smiled at him really big. And he grinned at me. He then reached over as if he wanted to see my hand. I reached out and he touched it for just a moment. A few seconds later I put my hand on the couch and played with the material. Once again he touched my hand and smiled at me. Then, so precious, he leaned over and kissed my arm.
You know, most of the times this boy ignores my smiles and compliments I give him. But that does not mean that he does not hear or does not remember how I treat him. It doesn’t matter if when I give him a little gift he throws it on the floor occasionally. He remembers how I made him feel happy and that I shared with him. He remembers how I treated him, and he can sense my love even if he cannot talk like me. And this is the same with all children and people. People may not remember exactly what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel. So just remember that the little things you do really do make a difference.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

The Best Part About Working With Kids

Last week I went to a zoo type thing with llamas and different types of tropical birds! It is actually right across the street from my house, only a couple of blocks away. It is right behind the Central Bank, which is the biggest bank I have ever seen! There is also a museum next to the bank and ancient ruins. Here are some pictures of me with the ancien also another picture of me with my two good friends, Krista and Suzy… and a llama J If I wanted to , I could have gone up and touched it. J But I didn’t because I was scared. I was t ruins. And this is also excited to see a toucan in the zoo, a tropical bird that I have never seen in real life.
It is so crazy that I am right in the middle of the city next to these big buildings and homes, and right there next to it is this huge park with llamas and a pond and ancient ruins!
Today I went the orphanage with like 30 girls and 15 boys. It was great. I haven’t been there in a few weeks and it was just great to go back. First we worked. I washed windows with a little girl who always follows me and laughs with me when I am there. She is probably 10 years old. We washed the windows with a bucket of water and newspaper. And surprisingly, it worked! Then we did face painting. The girls were the ones who were supposed to get their faces painted, but I ended up getting my face covered and smeared with paint twice. They are so convincing! Like I would be right in the middle of painting one girls’ face who was sitting on the table, and then a girl was on my right, and then one on my lap… and the other girls would just paint my face. And I couldn’t really get away so I just let them have their fun. The little girl Adrianna later helped me clean off my face with the same bucket of water and rag ( it was actually an old shirt) that I had used to clean the window. I really don’t care about getting dirty when I am there. It is just all about the kids.
                Most times I would be grossed out by certain things like dirty water or mud, but there all that matters is that I am making the kids happy. I love them so much. I played chase with several of the little girls today. They kept on shouting, “ You cant get me!” So I’d run after all of them, then scoop them up and spin them around and tickle them. And they just laughed and laughed. I tried to not think about how out of breath I was getting because I knew those cute girls were having a blast.
                There was also a little toddler boy there today. When I first got there and throughout the first hour we were there, I tried to smile and wave at the little boy, but he would frown and turn away. So after awhile, I decided that I wouldn’t give him a choice. I was going to give him some attention. So I went over to him, just us two, and I sat down and smiled and talked. And smiled some more… and some more… At first he was hesitant, but then he smiled again and again! Later, I saw him standing alone, looking around the bush at some of us playing, and then I went over to him and had him play with us. It was great. To make one of these children smile when they seem like they don’t want to is one of the best feelings ever.
Soon the time came for me to go, and one of the girls grabbed on my leg and wouldn’t let go. Of course finally she did. As I drove away, I waved at them and blew as kiss. And just before the bus turned the corner, she blew a kiss right back at me. That’s one of those memories that will be etched in my mind forever.
P.S. On the way home the bus overheated. We got out of the car and it soon began to pour J CLASSIC! I didn’t mind at all. It was a nice little adventure and we got to know the bus driver better.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011


                                                      Kel and two friends  in Cuenca
                                                    Toucan in Cuenca
                                                               Ruins in Curnca
Last night was our going away party for the volunteer girls who finished their time here and left today. It was so much fun. We all got all dressed up and had a fancy dinner at a hotel. It was awesome. The room was decorated beautifully with rose petals all over the table. There was a total of 23 people in attendance. I had no idea about this before last night, but if you put a little rose petal on your hand when your palm is cupped, the rose petal will make a loud pop. It was fun trying to get my petal to pop. I was using my friends hand and kept having to hit her hand hard in order to make the noise… it was really funny.
                Today was a blast! In the morning I had half a day off to do whatever I wanted. It was awesome because we just took off from the house and walked to down the streets to “Parque Central.” This is an a shopping Center with a huge Cathedral right in the middle of it. As we walked, we were able to just stop at any store on our path that looked interesting. So we were able to see quite a few different little Ecuadorian shops. I loved it. I bought a few T-shirts for myself and also got a few instruments for my nieces and nephews.
 I have less than two months left here actually… it so crazy how fast time is flying by here. I am making the most of everyday so even though the time passes quickly; I know my time here is being spent in the best ways possible. Like the quote says, “Carpe Diem.” As long as you know you are living each day to the fullest, you will know that you lived your life to the fullest once that month has passed. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time. For that’s the stuff life is made out of.” And I totally agree!

When I got to the orphanage, we took the kids on walks and did therapies. Then I had the most fun Ive probably ever had at shift doing an activity! Mackinzie and Erica, and one of the Tias Clara sang some songs together to the children in Spanish. They just loved the upbeat ones we sang and we just had a blast stumbling over the Spanish words! I started singing head shoulders knees and toes in Spanish to them, but instead of singing “Cabeza” or head, I sang “Caballos”… which means ‘horse’ in Spanish. The Spanish speaking workers were all laughing, and I joined in also! Then me and two other volunteers started singing a Girls Camp song in English called, “Boom Chicka Boom.” Clara, one of the Spanish speaking workers was repeating us and it was so funny. She would stop and say in Spanish, “No entienda!” ( I don’t know what it means.)
After that we all went to HML, where I am the new site leader. We made braclets out of yarn and thread. When we were leaving, I was helping some of the girls make their bracelets. I told them I had to go, and then a teenage girl came up to me. I was thinking she needed help, but then she took my wrist and tied this beautiful bracelet onto my wrist. I think I will keep it on for quite awhile. J