viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

First Week in Ecuador

Today I went out in the city for the very first time. Its so funny, the drivers like to drive fast and honk. And the drivers, not pedestrians have the right of way! Kind of like New York… they will not stop for you! Also, everyone  “J-walks” here. I don’t think its illegal…
The shops are all bursting with vibrant and bright colors of purses, clothes, and souvenirs. When we walk by people ask “Tu quieres? Es bonita” trying to get us to buy their things. J There are so many cool souvenirs. I saw a water bottle made out of a cows hoof!!! Like the base of the water bottle was a hoof and the bottle was covered in fur! Crazy, I have never seen anything like that before.
Every day I drive in a van full of like 10 other volunteers to the Orphanages we work in. One of the main orphanages I go to has 6 special needs kids, and it is where I have volunteered the most in the past week. Most of them can’t talk, but they communicate through their smiles and cries. I love them, it’s so precious when you arrive or tell them “Nosotros Caminos, si?!” and they smile at you with pure and complete joy in their eyes. I take them on individual walks outdoors every day and get to enjoy the beautiful Ecuadorian skies. There are always bright clouds or dark clouds scattered across the blue skies, and they are so beautiful!
Another home I’ve been to is for babies and toddlers. They are so precious, with their big brown eyes. The other day I put the six toddlers down in their Cunas (cribs) for bed, and they all started crying. So I sang them a Spanish song called “Estas Son Las Manitas.” Within a few seconds, they all stopped crying and stared at me with their cute big brown eyes and baby faces. I think it’s happy moments like that one that keep volunteers volunteering. Those looks and laughs from the children really make my days.

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