lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

The Ecuadorian Water Fighting Holiday: Carnival


during 4 day Ecuador water fight holiday
Ok. So, the Ecuadorian holiday that I am going to tell you about is called Carnival. It is pretty much the most awesome holiday ever except the fact that some people die from it. So, basically it’s a nationwide water fight for four days! Officially its only four days, but a lot of Ecuadorians down here celebrate it for the whole month. Its basically an excuse to get friends and strangers soaked or sprayed with water. The other day we were walking from the bus to the orphanage and we walked past the other orphanage with a lady in the front yard watering plants. So we walked by and she was unusually friendly, saying hi to us… and I was like “oh wow someone is being friendly to us” so I said HI!! And then boom, she sprayed us with the hose. It was incredibly hilarious. Then we screamed and ran away laughing. Today a few water balloons got dropped on some volunteers from the second story by the other volunteers and then the other day the orphanage workers and me and some of the orphans were in a foam fight. Like they had cans of silly string- but its more like foam- that you spray at each other. Seriously, what a great holiday! It makes everyone happy. And I like happy. J

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